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Remote Learning Update 10.27.2020

Matt Henderson October 27, 2020


Parents and Families:

Due to the impact of COVID-19 on our staff, it is important to take precautions to protect the rest of our staff and our students.

We will be moving to a fully remote learning model for the remainder of this week ending October 30, 2020. If it is necessary to extend the remote learning days, I will communicate to families again on October 30, 2020. Fully remote means that no student will be in the building during the normal school day.  Students attending Pioneer CTC, LEAP, Catapult, and Tomorrow Center will continue to attend those schools as normal. Crestline will provide transportation as normal

Teachers will be sending home all the necessary materials for the remainder of the week with your child at the end of today's school day. Attendance will be monitored based on logins or completed work. Bulldog Academy students will continue their online program as normal.

To reiterate, all staff members affected by COVID are at home and not in the building. There are ZERO positive cases among our student population as of today's date.

I will keep you updated with any additional information or changes in status.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

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